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양 경 철 (Kyeongcheol Yang)


소속    : 포항공대 전자전기공학과

office  : LG동 403호

E-mail :

Phone : 054-279-2239


1982.3 - 1986.2 : B.A. in Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University

1986.3 - 1988.2 : M.S. in Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University

       Thesis Advisor: Dr. Choong-Woong Lee

1988.9-1992.12 : Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California

       Thesis Title : On the Weight Hierarchy of Hermitian and Other Geometric                                      Goppa Codes

       Thesis Advisor: Dr. P. Vijay Kumar

Professional Experience

2013  -  2014              


Samsung Electronics / Technical Consultant and Visiting Professor

(Digital Media & Communications R&D Center / Suwon)

2004  -  2012              


포항공과대학교 대학IT연구센터 (BrOMA) 부센터장

1999  - 현재                 


포항공과대학교 전자전기공학과 교수

2006  -  2006               

Samsung Electronics / Technical Consultant and Visiting Professor
(Telecommunication R&D center / Suwon)

2003  -  2005               


포항공과대학교 정보통신대학원 교무위원

1996  -  2003               


University of Bergen, Norway 방문교수 (매년 1회 단기 방문)


1998  - 2002                


삼성전자 통신연구소 기술자문 교수



정보통신연구관리단 무선분야 전문위원회 위원


1993  - 1999                


한양대학교 전자통신공학과 조교수


1989  - 1992               


Univ. of Southern California, Dept. of Electrical Engineering 연구 및 강의조교       



Bell Communications Research (Bellcore)  연구원 (미국 New Jersey 주 Morristown소재)

Academic Activities


TCP Member, International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'2014)



TCP Member, Sequences and Their Applications 2014 (SETA'2014)



TPC Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC'2013)


2012.08  -  2015.12   


Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

2007.01  -  present     


Associate Editor, Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences (CCDS)

2011.01  -  2012.12     


Guest Vice Editor-in-Chief, IEICE Special Section on Signal Design and Its Applications

2009.11  -  2010.12     


Guest Editor, IEICE Special Section on Signal Design and Its Applications



TPC Member, International Workshop on Signal Design and its Application in Communications 2013 (IWSDA'13)



TPC Member, International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC'13)



TPC Member, Sequences and Their Applications 2012 (SETA'12) 



Program Co-Chair and TPC Member, International Workshop on Signal Design and its Application in Communications 2011 (IWSDA'11)



TPC Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC'11)



TPC Member, Sequences and Their Applications 2010 (SETA'10) 



TPC Member, Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC'10) 




TPC Member, International Workshop on Signal Design and its Application in Communications 2009 (IWSDA'09) 




TPC Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Cryptography and Coding (IMACC'09)                               




TPC Member, Sequences and Their Applications 2008 (SETA'08) 




TPC Member, International Workshop on Signal Design and its Application in Communications 2007  (IWSDA'07) 




Editor and  TPC member, Sequences and Their Applications 2006 (SETA'06)  




Editor and  TPC member, Sequences and Their Applications 2004 (SETA'04)




Program Co-Chair and Editor, Sequences and Their Applications 2001 (SETA'01)

TPC Member:


SETA 2004, SETA 2006, SETA 2008, SETA 2010, SETA 2012, SETA 2014, SETA 2016, SETA 2018 IWSDA 2007, IWSDA 2009, IWSDA 2011, IWSDA 2013, IWSDA 2015, IWSDA 2017, IWSDA 2019 IMACC 2009, IMACC 2011

ISIT 2014

ITW 2017

APCC 2010

WCC 2013

ISTC 2018

Technical Reviewers (1993 - present)


IEEE Trans. on Information Theory

IEEE Trans. on Communications

IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications

IEEE Communication Letters

IEEE Signal Processing Letters

Designs, Codes and Cryptography

Research Interests

1. Error-Correcting Codes: LDPC codes, Turbo and RA codes, Algebraic codes,

                                            Algebraic geometric codes


2. Sequence Design for CDMA/OFDM/OFDMA Systems


3. Channel polarization and polar codes


4. Space-time Codes and MIMO systems

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